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Roscoes Gems - Blog 8


Let me share a phrase from Jordan Peterson. "Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world." The Bible says, "First remove the plank from your own eye before seeing the speck in someone else's." In essence, the point is to not rush in and judge others. Look inward first and understand yourself, and then extend the same courtesy to others. You don't know everything about them and what they might be struggling with and through. The word that comes to mind is ... GRACE! The dictionary defines it as elegance and smoothness of movement, courteous good will. For me, GRACE is 'Undeserved Favour'. It can't be earned, bought or stolen. It's a gift from God freely given to whoever asks for it. A gift of the soul and spirit, untouchable by anyone else. GRACE is given to be shared. This is what Christmas is about. The Gift of Grace. God bless. - Cheers Rosco.

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