Into all the World

Who is Andrew?
Andrew began his journey into ministry and missions more than 30 years ago and has served as a church planter and Senior Pastor, missionary, evangelist, youth leader, radio presenter and now podcaster. He has a degree in modern and ancient history from the University of Queensland and has also completed two years of full time Bible College.
In this time he has travelled extensively and also lived for several years in numerous African nations, The Pacific Islands and across Europe, as well as visiting and ministering in both North and South America.
His emphasis is the need for a personal relationship with God and he encourages everyone to experience this and further deepen their walk with the Lord.
As an Online God Content Creator, Andrew encourages people to read, believe and act upon the Word of God, which is the brightest light in the world today and brings faith, hope and love to every human heart. He also encourages to pray, worship and fellowship with other believers.